Launceston Trails Update

Launceston Mountain Bike Club has provided the following useful summary of updates about what's happening with the trails in and around Launceston in their September 2017 Newsletter.


Thankyou to everyone who has stayed off the trail networks in wet weather when asked by LMBC. We have invested considerable funds in rebuilding/resurfacing the trails, and whilst the aim was for them to be all weather trails, the newly built trails need some time to bed in and absorb moisture before they will cope with a high volume of riders.


Mountain Trails have now completed the Value for Money trail. After inspection by some of the club executive committee members, a letter was sent to Mountain Trails expressing our dissatisfaction with some of the work on this trail. Mountain Trails have agreed to return in November to discuss these issues with us, and hopefully complete remedial work.

In the interim, this trail has been opened, but please take care as there are some very soft spots.

Dead Mans Knob and Postmans trails are also completed and open.


Rob Potter and his labourer have recently completed 1 week of trail work/maintenance on Tall Timbers and No Sweat.

Juggernaut is riding well and is in good condition except for some water on the lower section.

Rob is currently organising PCYC and its crew of young people to commence cleanup work on Juggernaut soon: removing rocks and cleaning out drains.

Kate Reed:

All trials are in good condition.

Works on the boundary trail will commence when trails dry out later in spring.

LMBC is funding a new ascending trail to be constructed from the bottom of Lower Berm. This will be constructed by Rob Potter and will commence sometime this summer.

Motor bikes have been sighted riding in Kate Reed, including on some of the mountain bike trails. Parks and Wildlife are aware of this issue, and are working on strategies to stop this occurring.

If you see any motorcyclists in the reserve, please try to take photos and get any details of riders and pass onto Parks and Wildlife on 6331 6789.

Trail Condition Signage:

Whiteboards will soon be visible in all Launceston Bike Shops where trail conditions (eg. too wet) will be updated regularly,

Rider education signage are to be constructed and placed at the trailheads at Trevallyn and Kate Reed.


A working is planned at Ravenswood on Thursday October 19 from 4 pm. to prepare the track for twilight racing. Slashing/whipper snipping, pruning back blackberries and gorse, and racking will all be required. We need as many volunteers as possible for this work in order to have a good track to ride on throughout summer. If you ride in the twilight series please come along and help out: The club now owns a whipper snipper, and also has several rakes and secateurs so no excuse. Please wear protective clothing, gloves, eye protection and helmets (if operating whipper snipper)

Watch their facebook page for further updates.

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