National Cycling Participation Survey 2019 - Tasmanian Results

The National Cycling Participation Survey 2019 is out and the data suggests that 14.8% of Tasmanian residents ride a bicycle in a typical week and more than one third have done so in the past year.

The cycling participation rate by residents of Tasmania is very similar to the national average, and to the extent that you believe it, it suggest that 1 in 10 women and 1 in 5 men in Tasmania ride their bike each week. 

Of course this data is skewed by much higher participation rates in the 0-9 year old group (around 50% cycling), dropping down to 20% for 10-17 year olds and 11-12% for 18 to 49 year olds and then only 5% for 50+ year olds.

Most of those Tasmanian's who ride a bike, do so for recreational purposes (90%) with around 23% doing so for transport purposes (mainly commuting to work or education).

Based on my quick math this would mean that there are nearly 18,000 Tasmanian's cycling to work or their educational institution at least one per week.

Despite some of my skepticism around the numbers, the survey is a great benchmark for cycling across Australia and the Australian and Tasmanian reports are included below.

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