Tasmanian Government 2018-19 Mountain Biking and Cycling Priorities

The Tasmanian Government have released their next 365 priority deliverables and, although thin on the ground, mountain biking and cycling do get mentions with the commencement of stage 2 of the Dial Range project, an extension of the Strahan Cycleway to Ocean Beach and better funding for Ride2School and cycle safety initiatives included.

The Initiatives relating to cycling by quarter are:

QUARTER TWO - July to September 2018

 Increase funding over three years to the RACT and the Bicycle Network to grow participation in road safety education programs.

This will improve road safety for children, cyclists and older drivers for programs such as Ride2School, driver education for Years 10-12 students, Years Ahead and CarFit aimed at helping drivers choose a more suitable vehicle to their needs.

QUARTER THREE - October to December 2018

 Commence construction of Stage II of the Dial Range Mountain Bike project.

Tasmania is fast gaining a reputation as the cycling tourism capital of Australia, with 38,000 annual visitors. The Cycle Tourism Strategy will invest $6 million to grow the sector and create jobs.

Provide Government funding to the West Coast Council for the construction of a walking and cycle track linking the current Strahan walking track to Ocean Beach, on the West Coast

Locals and visitors use the Active Strahan walking track. The Government will provide $150,000 towards the construction of this new recreational facility on the West Coast.

Commence planning for a range of state-wide programs to make cycling safer for cyclists and pedestrians.

By supporting the introduction of programs and the upgrade of cycling infrastructure, we will encourage more Tasmanians to live healthy, active lives.

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